Individual Relationship Therapy
Resolving commitment phobia, dating fears, and relationship crises.
Because navigating relationships can be challenging.
If you relate to any of these struggles, you’ve come to the right place.
Are you single and want to be in a relationship?
Find yourself constantly attracted to people who are unavailable?
Don’t feel attractive or successful enough to date confidently?
Recently got out of a long term relationship and struggling with getting back into dating?
or maybe…
You are in a relationship, but it’s not feeling great.
You have been fighting. Balancing both of your needs isn’t working well. You feel choked at times, and ignored at others.
You promised yourself that if he yells at you one more time, you will walk out, but then you don’t.
For many successful, insightful people, dating and relationships can be some of the most confusing areas of life.
Therapy is one of the best ways to address this.
Whether the underlying problem is trauma from a past relationship, difficulty with communication and trust, or insecurity about yourself, therapy can help with that.
How Therapy Can Help
Based on our life experiences, we have all developed emotional beliefs about the world. This can be something like “people need a lot from me and so I need to set strong boundaries” or “I want to make everyone around me happy and I am good at it.” Whatever the belief is, it’s based on our life experiences. These beliefs shape the way we interact with the world, whether we are conscious of the beliefs or not.
The way you interact in relationships is based on these beliefs and your life experiences. For example, if you grew up around a parent who was lonely and needed you for emotional connection, you may have learned to be very private about your own life as a way of having the space you needed as a child. As an adult, you may find that your partners feel annoyed and disconnected from you, complaining that you are distant. However, because being distant and private was a really important and wise decision for you in the past, it can feel deeply counterintuitive to change this behavior.
In therapy you and I will figure out together what your beliefs and patterns are in relationships. Once we have figured out your patterns and beliefs in relationships, you can begin to build new and effective approaches to your relationships. We will use skills from attachment based therapy (which is what it sounds like - all about how we connect with other people), skills on how to manage strong emotions, and choose new ways to handle your relationships so you can create lasting change.
If you’d like to learn more about common dating pitfalls, read my recent articles here.
Therapy can help you:
Enter a loving stable relationship
Build peace and connection with your partner
Feel good about yourself, regardless of your relationship status
You can have success in relationships.
Social and romantic relationships can hit a similar nerve. While they don’t always, they absolutely can overlap. Most people find that when they work through issues in their romantic relationship all of their other relationships improve as well.
Being self aware is absolutely wonderful and will help your therapy immensely. The first part of therapy - figuring out clearly what is going on - will probably be a bit shorter for you. Afterwards, therapy is about building new emotional experiences that can lead to loving and lasting connections.
Absolutely. Traumatic past experiences harm our trust in other people and make it harder to relax and love. Helping you safely bond with a loving partner who can help you heal is one of the foundations of my work with clients.
The better you know yourself and your needs, the more present you can be in your relationship. This changes the interactions in your relationship and strongly impacts it. There may be times that I will recommend couples therapy as well, and help you find the right couples therapist for you and your partner.
You don’t need to do this alone.
Book a free, 15-minute consultation to decide if I’m the right therapist for you.